2019 Spruce Meadows, AB


FireFit Individual & Team Competition

All teams and individuals are welcome to compete. All regional events are open. Teams and individuals eligible to compete for the Regional Byes at this Regional are all Departments South of Edmonton in all Prairie Provinces.

Competitors from other Countries are welcome to compete for a WildCard Spot to the FireFit Championship Finals to be held in Oshawa, ON.

Individual races at this Regional will be held on Saturday. Please see Schedule below for approximate times.

Individuals and Teams can earn BYE’s or WildCard spots at Regional events, which qualify them to race at the FireFit World & Canadian National Championships.

Check the link here for all the information on how to qualify for FireFit Worlds & Canadian National Championships.

FireFit Relay

The FireFit Relay (3 to 5 Competitors) at this Regional will take place on Sunday. It is a Knockout Tournament and all teams are guaranteed a minimum of 2 races. If your good you could be racing all day!

Relay Categories include:
Open Men, Over 40, Over 50, Women’s and Mixed. At FireFit World & Canadian National Championships the Industrial and School categories are also recognized.

Relays can qualify for a spot onto Final Relay Days (Friday & Sunday) at the FireFit World & Canadian National Championships.  Checkout the link here for qualifying times and details!

FireFit X3 Relay

The FireFit X3 Relay’s (2 Person Technical Relay) will take place on Sunday at this Regional.

Teams from the Region can earn a BYE to the Canadian Championships & FireFit Worlds! WildCard spots are also available for those teams meeting or beating the qualifying times!
Checkout the link here for qualifying times and details!

What’s Going on in Spruce Meadows!

Event Schedule
Friday, June 7th – 16h00 – 19h00
Course OPEN for inspection & ‘Air Walk Throughs’.  Waivers must be signed before accessing course.  Helmets, gloves and turnouts must be worn when on tower.  Last Minute registrations, space permitting!
Periode de inspection pour les competiteurs (le casque, les gants,et le bunker suit sont obligtoires dans la tour).  Confirmations des presences et inscriptions des competiteurs avec FireFit.
Saturday, June 8th, 2019
10h00 – All Competitors on site.
Tous les Competiteurs sur le site de competition
10h30 – Start List Posted
Affichage du range des competiteurs
10h45 – Opening Ceremonies & Competitor Briefing
Ceremonies d’ouvertures officielles
11h00 – Individual Racing begins
Debut des competitions pompiers
Approx 13h00 – Mid Point Break (Approx. 30 minutes)
Pause a mi-parcours 30 minutes
16h00 – Event Complete 
Fin des competitions pompiers

18h30 Awards and Social – Shanks Sports Grill, 9627 Macleod Trail S.  Walking distance to Host Hotel.

Sunday June 9th, 2019
10h00 – All Competitors on site
Tous les competiteurs sur le site de competition
10h30 – Start list posted
Affichage de rang des competiteurs
10h45 – Competitor Briefing & Opening Ceremonies – Mixed Relay Draw
Ceremonies d’ouvertures officielles
11h00 – FireFit Relay Seeding Round followed by X3
Debut des competitions relais pompiers suivi de X3
Approx. 12h30 – Mid Point Break (Approx. 20 Minutes)
Pause a mi-parcours 20 minutes
13h00 – FireFit Relay Knockout Tournament begins
Debut des competitions relais eliminatoires pompiers
16h00 – Event complete – Awards presented on course
Fin des competitions pompiers – Remise des prix sur le cours


Carraige House Inn
Address:  9030 Macleod Trail South, Calgary, AB  Superior Queens
Ph:   (403) 253-1101      Booking Code: 
Website: www.carriagehouse.net  Superior King
FireFit Rate Cutoff Date: 

Amenities: WiFi and Hot Buffet Breakfast

Swimming Pool, Hot Tub and Gym